The healing power of blackberries

The healing power of blackberries has been known for centuries. Blackberry is a representative of the Rosaceae family, it belongs to the genus Rubus. This perennial plant grows on the Eurasian continent, specifically in northern and temperate latitudes. Best of all, blackberry bushes are felt in mixed and coniferous forests, in the forest-steppe zone and floodplains of rivers. Blackberries are quite rare in gardens. The flowering period of blackberries falls in mid-June and lasts all summer. On one blackberry bush you can find flowers, ripe and unripe berries at the same time. The yield of blackberries is significantly higher than the yield of wild raspberries. At the peak of summer, blackberries are characterized by the presence of branches strewn with clusters of large ripe fruits, which causes the plant to bend to the ground under its weight. During the flowering period, blackberry is a good honey plant. Blackberries have a slightly sour taste. Composition and calorie content The composition of blackberries includes a complex of medicinal and nutritious substances. These are organic acids: tartaric, salicylic, citric, malic. And mineral salts : copper, potassium, manganese. Blackberries are rich in glucose, sucrose, fructose, fiber, aromatic and tannic compounds, pectin substances. The vitamin composition of berries contains ascorbic acid, provitamin A, B vitamins, tocopherol, rutin, vitamin K and vitamin PP.

The healing power of blackberries

The spectrum of minerals that saturate blackberries includes sodium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, nickel, molybdenum, copper, manganese, barium, cobalt, chromium, vanadium, titanium and strontium. Blackberry leaves contain about 20% tannins, the main of which are flavonols and leucoanthocyanides. You can also find minerals, amino acids and vitamin C in the leaves. Blackberry seeds are 12% fatty oil. The caloric content of lemon is 36 kcal per 100 grams. Useful and medicinal properties With the help of fresh blackberries in folk medicine, they strengthen the body and saturate it with vitamins. Blackberries are useful in any form for atherosclerosis, with their help you can also improve blood composition. The leaves stimulate digestion. A decoction of leaves is used for pathological menopause, for the treatment of eczema and skin inflammation, gargle with stomatitis and sore throat. A decoction of blackberry branches helps with heart neurosis. Blackberries can help remove adhesions caused by surgery. Blackberry leaf infusion is characterized by anti-inflammatory, diuretic, wound healing and diaphoretic properties. This infusion is recommended for diseases of the heart and nervous system. Tea can be made from blackberry leaves: fresh leaves must be kept until they wither and darken in sealed glass. The leaves are then naturally dried and soaked in boiling water. Blackberry leaf pulp is used to treat skin diseases. The porridge is intended for external use in ringworm, trophic ulcers, eczema, abscesses, wounds and bruises. For gum diseases, an infusion of plant leaves is used as a rinse. An effective diuretic for dropsy is a decoction of blackberry root. An infusion of blackberry leaves is prepared from 2 teaspoons of crushed and dried leaves filled with a glass of boiling water. The mixture is infused for about 20 minutes and then filtered. The finished infusion is drunk during the day in 3 doses. In order to get rid of diarrhea, food poisoning, gastritis, dysentery, stomach and duodenal ulcers, an infusion of blackberry leaves is used, prepared as follows: a spoonful of prepared leaves is scalded with a glass of boiling water. The mixture is kept in a thermos for 3 hours. The finished infusion is drunk 100 g 20 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day. In case of enterocolitis, stomach or intestinal bleeding, the infusion is drunk every 2 hours. Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and bleeding in the lungs are prevented by decoction from the roots or leaves of the plant. 20 g of prepared blackberry roots or leaves are added to 200 g of boiling water, the mixture is boiled for 20 minutes, and then insisted for another 3 hours. Strained soup with boiled water is brought to 1 cup and consumed before meals, 2 tablespoons three times a day. With pharyngitis, tonsillitis and sore throat, gargle with blackberry root decoction. 20 g of the prepared root is boiled in a glass of water for 20 minutes, and then infused for about 3 hours. The soup is filtered and brought to its original volume with boiled water. Stomatitis can be cured by rinsing with blackberry leaf infusion. For 4 tablespoons of leaves, you need 400 g of boiling water. Leaves filled with boiling water are infused for about 30 minutes and then filtered. You can strengthen your gums by chewing fresh leaves of the plant. Blackberry root decoction is effective for ascites: 15 g of raw material is boiled for 15 minutes in 300 g of water, filtered and diluted with boiled water until the initial volume of liquid is obtained. Drink a spoonful of soup every 2 hours. Before surgery related to urolithiasis, when the type of stones is not clear, a decoction of blackberry leaves or roots is prescribed as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. The finished soup is drunk before meals 3-4 times a day for 2 spoons. Fresh berry tea is effective for climacteric neuroses. With diabetes mellitus, you cannot limit the use of blackberries. An infusion from the leaves of the plant is also useful. It is prepared from 2 teaspoons of leaves and 200 g of boiling water. The mixture is insisted for half an hour and filtered. The received volume is enough for 1 day of reception. You must drink the infusion 3 times. The juice obtained from ripe fruit and young blackberry leaves is used for bronchitis, sore throat, tracheitis, pharyngitis, anemia, fever, colitis, diarrhea, dysentery and diseases in the field of gynecology. The soothing and tonic properties of blackberry juice are known. Leaf juice is used to treat wounds, ringworm, trophic ulcers, dermatosis, eczema, sore throat, stomatitis, pharyngitis and gum disease. Internal consumption of juice from fresh blackberry leaves has a diuretic, soothing and diaphoretic effect. They can be used to treat anemia, gastritis and diarrhea. Harm and contraindications In case of diseases of the stomach and small intestine, it is better to replace blackberry berries with blackberry juice. With increased acidity of gastric juice, you should limit yourself to one glass of berry juice per day. Blackberries can damage the kidneys.


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