Vitamin B12 – cobalamin

Vitamin B12 – cobalamin –

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is the only one from the group of B vitamins that is deposited in the body in large quantities, mainly in the liver. The process of absorbing this vitamin in the body is quite complicated and takes place in the following way: vitamin B12 is extracted from protein from food using digestive enzymes in the presence of sufficient stomach acid. After that, the vitamin binds to a protein produced by the cells lining the stomach (the so-called intrinsic factor) and takes it to the small intestine, where it is absorbed.

A lack of stomach acid or intrinsic factor can cause a lack of this vitamin. This occurs with age, but also in people suffering from disorders of the digestive system.

Most people get enough vitamin B12 through their diet, but after the age of 50, a reduced ability to absorb it from food can occur. Taking supplements of this vitamin can be beneficial because even a slight deficiency can increase the risk of depression, heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease.

Effect of vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 – cobalamin is very important for the production of DNA and RNA (genetic material in cells), for the reproduction of cells and especially the production of red blood cells, maintains the protective sheath around the nerves (myelin) and thus helps in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Together with folic acid, it helps reduce high levels of homocysteine in the blood, an amino acid associated with an increased risk of heart disease. With its beneficial effect on the nerves, vitamin B12 helps prevent various neurological disorders and helps in the treatment of depression. Sufficient amounts of vitamin B12 prolong the time between HIV infection and the development of AIDS. Low levels of this vitamin are common in Alzheimer’s patients.

Recommended daily doses of vitamin B12

The recommended daily dose of vitamin B12 for adults is 1.5 µg (micrograms).

The level of vitamin B12 in the blood decreases with age, so elderly people may need to take supplements of this vitamin, as well as people who do not eat foods of animal origin – meat and dairy products (vegans). A reduced level of vitamin B12 is possible in people with ulcers, Crohn’s disease, other disorders of the digestive system or with chronic indigestion, in people who have gout and those who take drugs for epilepsy (convulsions). People who excessively consume alcohol have difficulty absorbing Vitamin B12.

The lack of this vitamin is reflected in fatigue, depression, muscle weakness, tingling in the extremities due to nerve damage, memory loss. Dementia and pernicious anemia can develop, but both are treatable if caught early.

Taking excessive amounts of vitamin B12 has so far not produced any known side effects because the excess of this vitamin is immediately excreted through the urine.

Use of vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is taken once a day, preferably in the morning, along with 400 µg of folic acid. Multivitamins generally contain the minimum recommended amounts of vitamin B12 and folic acid, while B complex supplements contain higher amounts. If you need higher amounts, take a supplement of vitamin B12 only or B12 with folic acid. For better absorption, B12 is best taken sublingually (under the tongue). In case of insufficient production of intrinsic factor in the body, there may be a need for vitamin b12 injections.


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