The benefits of drinking lemonade in the morning

What are the benefits of morning lemonade?

Starting the day with a glass of lukewarm water with half a lemon squeezed into it is one of the healthiest rituals. It’s amazing how many benefits this simple drink brings to the body…

As for water itself, it’s good to drink a glass or two in the morning, even without lemon. During sleep, the body always dehydrates slightly. We make up for it with a morning glass of water or lemonade. In addition, lukewarm water helps the intestines to function well and facilitates elimination. It is important that the water is very lukewarm, so that we do not burden the stomach and the body does not spend additional energy on heating it.

Lemon is rich in vitamin C, which is extremely important: from boosting immunity to helping the skin stay clean. A separate article is needed to enumerate the benefits of vitamin C, and here are just a few: vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that “washes” the body of free radicals that can damage cells. When toxins are removed from the blood, the skin automatically becomes cleaner. Vitamin C is also necessary for cell and tissue growth.

Lemon also contains a lot of potassium, so it is a mild laxative and diuretic. Therefore, in combination with lukewarm water, it will help to regulate the work of the intestines and ensure regular emptying.

Potassium is also very important for regulating the electrical activity of the heart. Especially in the summer, when we sweat a lot and lose potassium from the body, this drink is excellent for replenishing the reserves of this vital microelement already in the morning.

Lemon juice also helps maintain urinary tract health. It stimulates the secretion of urine, and thus accelerates the flushing of toxins, and also contributes to preventing the formation of kidney stones.

Cardiologist prof. Dr. Joel Kahn strongly recommends this drink. “If you want to choose only one procedure to contribute to your health, then let it be this one: start the day with a large glass of lukewarm water with half a lemon squeezed into it.”

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